Say Hello to the New byDesign Workspace

Logan Deyo
Chief Executive Officer

It's with excitement that we share the official announcement of the byDesign Workspace. Since launching in January of last year, we've been listening to you on how we can best serve your marketing needs and deliver the best experience. Our goal is to create an experience that makes your workflow more streamlined and effective by integrating our service into your day-to-day. Hopefully, the time and headache you save goes to a less anxiety-filled lunch or ideally, some chill time in Tahiti.

Midway through 2020, we rolled out our integration to better track projects, submit requests, and in general, keep things organized. For a few months, it was a success. But in those few months, we also listened, and realized that we'd quickly outgrow Monday. Over time, it became clunky and we heard how it delivered a subpar experience for you as a client. So we went to work.

How could we take everything byDesign does, bundle it together, and deliver an exceptional experience that Monday could never live up to? By making our own application, of course.

After spending months behind the scenes from customer interviews to wireframing, and finally development, the byDesign Workspace is launching in beta on February 9, 2021. Let's dive into what you can expect with the new platform.

  • A single dashboard view of your entire byDesign account. See your plan usage at a quick glance: the number of requests completed this month, your available and used Specialized Hours, as well as your available and used Strategy Sessions. Under that, view your most recent Strategy Sessions, and click into them to view all the notes from the call in a pop-up view. Finally, you have your most important tasks: requests that require your attention, those currently in-progress, and the most recently completed ones. This holistic view gives you everything you need to see what's happening at any given moment.
  • If you're looking for a more detailed view, head on over to the Project Board to get a full listing of all your requests across all statuses. Sort the columns as you wish to get an idea of how things are performing.
  • The introduction of the View Files board, gives you the opportunity to see all of your files from all your tasks in one single place. Quickly preview and download files as you need them. Your brand assets also live here!
  • The Create+ button gives you the opportunity to make new requests in a more thoughtful way, helping us get requests done the first time. You can now also click the Create+ button to create and schedule a Strategy Session with any team member with calendar availability in real-time. This allows you to talk to anyone on the team about any project at a time that works best for you.
  • A new Request Record is where lots of love and attention went. In this pop-up, you're able to see due dates, who's working on it, comments, files, and more, all in a single glance. Goodbye to the clunky row that was hard to navigate.
  • You're also now able to add your own team members into the account through your User & Team Settings panel. Invite as many team members as you'd like. The more the merrier — we love collaboration!
  • Plan changes now happen in-application. No longer do you have to speak with your Success Manager to make a change. Just head into the Workspace to update your payment information, change plans, and see your next renewal date. All usage automatically resets on your renewal date so you can manage your plan with confidence.
  • New Slack notifications for real-time updates. This feature gives more context to requests, more frequent updates, and a link that brings you straight to the Request pop-up of the task that's referenced in the Slack notification.
  • On the internal side, we've introduced a Customer Profile pop-up. While you won't see this, it's important to note as it's the home of everything to do with you and your company. This gives our Success Managers, Specialists, and Designers, a single place to view notes, access brand assets, Strategy Session notes, and more. Resulting in more streamlined communication and higher quality output.

There are tons more to be discovered in the Workspace and we can't wait to get your hands on it. In the next few weeks, you'll be receiving an email outlining when your scheduled transition date is, as well as your Monday depreciation date.

Monday will be locked for clients beginning on your scheduled transition date, but will remain viewable so you can access files, comments, and more for thirty days. However, Once you login to the Workspace on your transition date, you'll see all past requests from Monday, already carried over — minimizing the burden of swapping between two applications. We'd also like to clarify that this will not affect Slack in any way. Operations will continue normally there.

Stay on the lookout for email updates and messages from Success Managers as we can't wait to have you try this new experience.

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Logan Deyo
Logan is the co-founder and CEO of byDesign.

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